Wednesday, December 31, 2008

HAPPY (almost) 2009!

It's minutes before a great year has ended and another year to debute its glory! I hope everyone is having a safe and happy new years! Can't wait till this week ends, i NEED to go back to school because i feel REALLY lost right now!

Didn't do anything interesting in the last 2 days. Went grocery shopping and errands. I can't wait til the snow melts and the black ice is gone ... as a person who travels by bike, i hate the fact that i am stranded at home, or had to trade my 2 wheeler for ttc tokens ... I played 'amateur real estate agent' i guess thats what i called it these days, my mom's friend wants to rent out a suite in her home and i had to be negotiator/translator/representative through the phone ... i was happy to help .. until the phones started to ring off the hook ... it's not fun, especially the fact that i have broken chinese didn't speed up the process ... Hopefully it will end soon ... Thats why i need school to put me in my place .. but on the up side of no school, my acne disappeared ... too bad it's on hiatus until the next tests.

What am I gonna do for new years eve? Nothing.. like always ... i think i'm gonna catch up on watching season 2 of private practice, and eat rice krispy squares.

I decided to put my new years resolution on print, because every year i make one ... in my mind and they all get broken the day after, so i guess if i make resolutions on print, at least they're there to haunt me and such.

Anyways ... Connie's New Year's Resolution:
1. Lose the 'chunk' by all means .. well, not all means, well, whatever i'm capable of. FYI i just stuffed a ton of muffins and rice krispy squares a few hours ago ... must go cold turkey ...

2. Be frugal, or semi frugal, whichever is better for my budget :)

3. Keep in touch with my friends more often (hopefully this will not need to fully start until april when school's not a factor)

4. Start to 'socialize' .. it's not my fault, i was always socially awkward, i can't cope well in social situations .. hopefully i can change it, even if its a little effort.

5. Take up photography ... by taking more photos of people when they least expect it ... like candid camera or a papparazzo! Oww and draw more, and do something useful with them ie mula wise, like taking a photo and selling it to the tabloids or something.

6. Manage meself whether it's budget, time or some other stuff that i can't think of right at this moment.

7. Travel more ... on a budget ... to places that are cheap ... and sanitary ... and safe ... and interesting ... with less tour guides ... man i am choose-y, meh, its bad enough K calls me an 'americano'


8. Study/do homework earlier ... although i do my readings on time, assignments are another issue, i would like to have the 'done' part a few days before the 'due date' part.

9. Learn new skills, i was able to fix my bike after all the hell it's gone through, anthough now im a little worried of using it, but anything new would be good.

and finally ...

10. Be happy and healthy. Hopefully the healthy part would overlap with resolution #1 and the happy part would be fulfilled by the others above. And hopefully insanity wouldn't kick in anytime soon, trust me, im like a ticking insanity/emotional time bomb ready to explode at an inappropriate time, hopefully that would be 2010's problem :P

Anyways, now i need to stuff myself with food (glorious food), stupid internet wrecked my plans, because somewhere in the world, it is not new years yet, meh, i'll just run on Vancouver time, it makes sense since i sleep at 3 and wake up @ 11.

Anyways, happy new years to all! Hoping that everyone has a happy, healthy and a prosperious 2009!


Monday, December 29, 2008

A list of (very boring) stuff i did during my extended hiatus ...

- Studied for financial accounting exam
- studied from business law exam
- helped mom ith her 'sweatshop' of dog clothing (FYI i didnt get paid for it yet :P)
- listened to a whole lot of Frasier episodes while studying
- had finanical accounting exam from 8-10pm
- had business law exam the following day from 12-2pm
- waited for shuttle after exam which came at 3.30pm that day
- comtemplating on what i should do with the course notes, got ideas to make a bon fire
- went to S's b-day gathering @ harbourfront, ate cake
- attempted to skate after a 10+ years on hiatus, fell on butt 3 times, fell on right hand 3 times and had pruple bruise on palm for days
- went to dinner @ Rodney's and Yuk Yuks with L & K, weren't early enough and had to sit at front, stage left ... deemed either 'freightened asian chicks' if i can recall correctly
- went to read gossip magazines
- wandered countless times to bookstore to read books
- carved a beaver stamp
- make cookies and x-mas (holiday) cards for the gals @ reorg dept
- lugged 7.5 kg care package to post office, to be sent to relatives in Vancouver
- crazy canadian weather hit, wind, snow.. the whole works
- waited 2 hours to get to downtown ven though it usually took max 30mins- got to reorg, didnt wanna leave b/c of weather
- shovelled snow, threw out back
- baked cake for A & M's christmas gathering, got lost trying to figure out where i was
- ate delicious food prep-ed by A & M
bought A LOT of boxes of tissues
- went to library to read more books
- watched Rachel Getting Married, really liked it despite my preferences to comedies rather than dramas
- me and F treated M to a belated b-day dinner @ milestones since jack astors was fully booked on a moday night ...
- bike broke, dunno if its the deraillers (pardon the spelling) or the chain or something, scraped back of leg, surprisd still there
- drew cards, made gift wrap, did some last minute shopping
- had lunch with L, J & K, watched dirty dancing, really enjoyed it, but temporarily went deaf during the finale
- watched winter weather change from powder snow, wet snow, freezing rain, rain
- shovelled again, but stupid city plow undo-ed it
- watch the streets become lake toronto and a skating rink
- laundry-ing
- listened to the wind constantly blowing the cover of the trash/recycle bin lids open and close
- hooked up pc to tv
- watched A LOT of 30 Rock episodes due to wind and weather ... probably can recte the lines
- boxing day went to dufferin mall 3 times, 1st to see if any good deals, 2nd so mom can go clothing shopping, and after all that work, i ended up doing the returns, and 3rd because mom wanted to make potatoe salad so dragged butt down to buy potatoes and eggs and salad dressing
- went to watch Marley and Me, hoping that boxing day would mean empty cinema .. i was soo wrong ... teared up at end of movie...
- didnt get any deals on boxing day, went to indigo, bought a peguin paperweight
- watched Brothers and Sisters season 1 because i wanted to know how everything got started
- won ebay auction for camera
- made egg tarts, disappeared in a mere 24hrs (altough my vice, i didn't eat them all)
- went to library to borrow books and chines dvds for mom, freaked out that my bike would give at any second
- cleaned the house after weeks of not being able to see the floor :P
- mixed alphabet pasta and cream of mushroom soup to create superhybrid soup! not bad, but probably not maretable...
- met with L & J to have dinner at Thai place but didnt know place is closed for holidays, had to settle for japanese place next door
- was joined by K & J to Second City ... trevor the puppet reminded me of Avenue Q
- wind gusts picked up, saw traffic light hanging by a thread (or wire) at corner of spadina and king, it spinned and spinned, dibs on the traffic light!

And that is up to today at this time, whatever that is.
Oh, and i forgot to add the part where i eat like i have a bottomless stomach ...
Now i kinda regret my decision for the super hybrid soup... and i wanna get a new bike... oh, and my system's screwed up since i wake up @ 12pm, and sleep at 3am, mam my systems screwed when school starts again, which is next week...

Winds howling up a storm, hunger setting in....
will call it a night, since it is 12.17am

oww and fyi, tred to make list like list from marley and me, but their's is more witty-er...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I'm loving the hiatus a little too much ...

yes i was suppose to start posting after the 10th of dec, but so much freedom to do stuff, only 1 more week before school starts.

jusy wanted to show that im still here and would give any glory details of my hiatus either tonght or tomorrow .... now i must clean the pig sty that i use to call home ....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

still on hiatus, quick comment ...

Not knowing about the prime minister's address, was shocked to see tv channel with headings 'Government in Crisis'... where is our government headed? Coalition?

Meh, studying top priority right now (sad ain't it), will feel the wrath after exams, nothing wants to register in my brain ....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

On a temporary HIATUS ...

Too much school work and upcoming exams to worry about right now.
Maybe an odd post now an then, but will be officially on hiatus from blogging til Dec 11 when insanity is at sustainable levels ..

Hope everyone has a good 2ish weeks!


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Last minute bloggin, Nov 22 '08

Buildup of assignments ... argh ... to the point of insanity .. almost ...
So tired, finished up all my readings for this week so i can spend time on my assigments. Exams in t-minus 2ish weeks. Helped mom with some of her take-home assignments ... she's a seamstress, so it means that: me and sewing needle = bandages! Braain soo tired, woke up at 9am and right now i'm exhausted for some reason. Its weird because sometimes i'd wake around 8ish and don't sleep until 1 or 2 in the morning, argh, its the school work that's draining all my energy. TV watching doesn't seem to work right now, things i supposively find funny aren't making me laugh ... especially just minutes ago MADtv made a music video parody of Britney Spears' Womanizer ... i swear it looked hilarious, but brain didnt even want to comprehend ...

Winter seems to have arrived early, unlike other things ie winter break, weather outside sucks. Can't ride bike, afraid of slipping. Everytime i walk on the slippery sidewalks, my running shoes make an extra loud sqeeking sound... i think i have a limp, or abnormal walking patterns...

I'm just gonna end it here, sleepy ..
Nite all, hope the weather gets better.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chilly Wednesday ....

Yay its wednesday yet again! Nay for waking up @ 5am! Watched infomercials while eating breakfast ... no wonder they put these on during the weee hours in the morning, everything looks soo cool, you brain has neither waken up or can comprehend anything. Its funny that when you watch it during regular hours, your thinking 'who the heck would by that?!?!', but, when you watch that same infomercial at 2 or 5 in the morning, suddenly you think, 'how can i carry on with my life without this little contraption?' The Dr. Ho infomercials freak me out no matter what time of day it is, but the first time watching it @ 5ish, i was drawn that i need to detoxify and stuff. Oww and they showed the steamer thingy that replaces the iron, and some kind of workout video, and Mr. T selling some kind of conventional oven/pot do-hickey. My favourite on the the Slim-n-Luft infomercials where they said it was a celebrity secret. I always imagined a celebrity gettingn on the chunky side, wore that corset type thing. They would later on go to a movie premiere with a stunning dress, and all of a sudden, all you feel is a earthquake, people running and screaming, the celebritie's body starts to morph,fat trying to escape, and then that corset thing explodes revealing her true self .... i think it would be funnier in cartoon with the sound effects and all,like putting "BOOOOOIINNNNGGG" when the corset explodes :) Argh, my imagination is out of control again!

This week i caught up with my accouting readings and eco readings (usually i read and take notes because i get bored reading material twice), just finished catching up with sociology readings and will be writing notes on that after this blog, and 3/5ths through on my law assignment/case. Learned from sociology readings that internet doesnt prove the extremes (ie make you isolated from whole world) but enhances the way you communicate with others ... well i hope i interpreted that correctly ... Onc again i am in the library, trying to get something done in the next 3 hours before my next class. I have my wednesdy usual, Grande Iced Green Tea and an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie from Starbucks! I cant have that everyday because it would a. break my wallet and b. throw off my whole routine. Plus, i need soemthing good to keep me up for an additional 4 hours after waking up early and having class from 8-10. I now feel the sam pain as my nursing friends with their messed up schedules...

I don't like how the weather is headed, not tat i dont like winter ... winter brings soo much joy ie WINTER BREAK, holidays, sugar, boxing day, excuse for staying home and sleep, making snow-stuff etc and brings soo much sorrow ie argh EXAMS, wind-chill, end of the year what did i do in my life, increase chance of being sick etc. I dunno why, but i like shoveling snow, i think its fun! Im probably a really messed up kid. Seriously i will shovel your walkways, driveway etc without any attitude (but a monetary/non-monetary fee would hurt either :)) Argh, I had to take the TTC today (it was like the 1st from 2 1/2 months of riding bike), i dont like it anymore. I had to take the TTC because of the windchill and the fact that my mom warned me that it would be crazy snowing in the morning. Waiting for the bus makes me frustrated. I feel that my patience has shrunking ever since i started to ride my bike to get to places. I need some kind of exercise (or some kind of movement), winter means goodies = more chunky-ness at the mid point! Last year around new years, I made a snow Brian (from Family Guy), aww he was the best snowdog i ever made in my entire life, he had his collar, his black nose (which blew away because i used a cut out of a garbage bag) and he was holding onto a beer bottle! Argh, i took a picture of it too! But, apparantly i didn't save it on a PC and now i dunno where to go to search it ... Oh well, (hopefully) we are gonna have some kind of crazy snowstorm and i can rebuild it ... and hopefully the neighbours dog wouldn't mark its territory on it (i say that because before, they never owned a dog). Owww, or better yet, my family actually finds a decent house and we move in before the big snowstorm and then i could debut my snow-brian version 2 ... or maybe that would be a bad idea (lonely/only child in her 20s building a snow figure ... might bring out some unwanted 1st impressions).

Maybe i will take up something in the winter ... i promised myself that during the summer, since i wasnt going to class i should do something ... apparently i didnt, and chances are i wouldn't be during winter ... but will make effort to try.

I was looking into getting a minor in sociology with a specialist in accounting. I dunno why, i think sociology is pretty interesting, plus i am on my way of getting 2.5 credits on sociology, why not drag it out to 4? Extra credits are fine by me, I'm just gonna be paying for it and such ... and with the recent economy and the layoffs, maybe i want to stay in school for a little longer and get a McJob ... Oh, and then i saw a brochure about cinema studies that i couldnt keep my eyes off and then i started thinking if i should get a minor in cinema studies ... yeah ... that would probably be too much on my plate ... And i was wondering it i get my degree, if i can take a minor at st george ... meh ... maybe ill think about it during the summer of whenever i graduate ....

Can't wait till school is over, Dec 10, which is my law exam. And then i can put my worries aside until january rolls along. I wonder how the York students are coping withe the strike.. its still on right?

I think i should start writing my notes for sociology, hopefully this long essay length posts will somewhat replace my minor paragraphs from the previous days.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Last minute bloggin, Nov 16 '08

Thought that i should write something, even if they're one-liners. Going crazy with assignments. Head hurts ... wonder if can blame on landlord and chemicals ... Need to do more homework .. tired ... on a bad sugar-crash laptop burning lap ... argh ... tomorrow's monday ...nooooo!

Probably write something while waiting for bus tomorrow ...


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Last minute bloggin, Nov 15 '08

Homework, rain and neighbours are not a good mix. Weather sucks! Still working on a lot of stuff. Watched Rocknrolla, i recommend it for those who like action movies! Now moving from computer-less homework to computer intensive homework. Stupid upstair neighbours ... not sanitary, attracts cockroaches. Landlord said needed to spray some sort of chemical around 11am today and we had to move tons of stuff to do so. They came around 2ish and only sprayed (not sprayed, more of sprits) for a minute or so, and said that the chemicals were harm-free. Either that they didnt really spray, or some kind of cheap-imitation, or that they are very cheap and dont wanna waste money. Meh, we'll see the re-percussions in the weeks to come ... if memory loss persists, its probably not a good sign. Argh, stupid upstair neighbours keep on using my internet line as a clothesline ... And their damn dog is running around upstairs as if it was a racetrack.

Sorry for all the negative... stuff ... I can't wait till i finish up all my homework for this week.

Hope everyone has a good weekend (or whats left of it)!
And for those who are going to the Santa Clause Parade, dress warmly, it's looks like its gonna be chilly november weather tomorrow!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

omg new Watchmen trailer!

I saw the teaser trailer mid-summer, i had no clue what Watchmen are, but the trailer was soo intriguing ... yet so disturbing ... like the car-wreck theory that my friend told me about ... so wrong, but can keep eyes off. Read the graphic novel, so interesting! I'm not the type to read graphic novels/manga/anime etc, i only read comic strips like Mutts. Anyways, now hooked, must watch movie, to be released March 6, 2009. I remember the date because it's a multiple of 3 ... yes, i would like to incorporate school as much as possible... And yes, Dr Manhattan (the blue guy) does scare me a little ... he has no pupils, but you have to read the graphic novel to understand his appearance.

Too much redings crossing eyes, debating if i should catch movie or go to AGO re-opening ... maybe will go Saturday to take pics, i'm pretty sure tomorrows gonna be littered with people .: no decent pics.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yay it's Wednesday yet again!

Didn't post yesterday because i was 1/2 lazy and 1/2 tried. Law class finished, just using these 4 hours before next class to do work and such. I remember i was suppose to draw something yesterday, but memory too weak, don't know what's suppose to be done. Have my trusty starbucks grande iced green tea at hand, hoefully the coldness will keep me awake. Thank god its wednesday, which means another week has almost flown by, which means that winter holiday is coming ... and exams are coming ... and assignments are all due ...

The sense of stress and urgency hasnt kicked in yet ... either i'm fully prepared, or will suffer the wrath in the days before exams/due dates. Soo sleepy in library... eww, someone sprits some kind of perfume that reminds me of those marshmallow strawberry things from the corner store ... The first few tastes soo good, and after that its just tastes like sugar. Need food to operate ...

Can't believe that in approx. 2 months time, its gonna be 2009. What happened to 2008??? Owww, boxing day! That just popped into thin air, need to buy huge-mungo camera just like the papparazzi!!! Need new running shoes because these one's make me sound like some kinda walking chew toy.

Starting to yawn, argh, some girl left the 'silent zone' and left the music from the laptop blazing from the headphones.... Sounds like really annoying white noise ....

Maybe I'll have something interesting to post tomorrow ...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Its monday, yet again ...

Today before heading out to school, went to get a sugary drink from corner store so I can be semi-alert during class, just when i left the house, it started to flurry, like big snowflakes kind of flurries ... damn it, i though, winter is coming! BUT it was weird because as soon as i got to the store to get a drink, it stopped flurry-ing. Argh, i dont like umpredictable weather!

Approximately 1 month before exams. Tons of essays and assignments due ... but not stressed ... yet. Read article for canadian economic history, something about wages and land prices in the 19th/20th century, mostly based on Ontario and Prairie provinces, and something about the CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway, not the other thing with the 'breath of life' and someone in some sort of medically unstable state) selling land at low prices ... and then I forgot the rest. Read law assignment, was pretty confusing, not the legal issues that is, but to follow the story, thrown in so many circus stuff and barber stuff ... i don't like clowns ... unless it's Krusty the Klown! No offense to the clowns out there reading this, I blame it on Moulin Rouge which we watched it during grade 9 french class ... argh those clowns were creepy! I wasn't able to finish reading the leases chapter for accounting, i left the photocopies at home, but, i started to read the project regarding BCE, but i was more interested in their business and operations rather than the accounting, nitty gritty sorts of stuff. I need to start reading law, tomorrow, not today, i am still yawning from whatever i did before i was yawning.

Should blame my sleep deprivation on the upstair neighbours ...

Need new running shoes, soles worn out, the air cushion bursted so i'm a little lop-sided right now, plus i think i have some sort of weird limp going on on my right foot (not due to yesterdays accident, which are healing very well, but i dont like these extra bumps) which results to a squeek-ing (yes i know i spelled that wrong) sound everytime i take a step on my right foot ... it sounds very awkward, especially when i walk through a deserted hall, or when people are talking a test.

8:25 pm, shold stop blogging, now will wait for the shuttle...
Nite all!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Was suppose to write something elaborate about school, this week in tv, and the movie i watched on friday, but wanna finish all reading for the week so i have a little free time everyday to prep for exams which is about exactly 1 month away. Finished reading sociology readings, learned relationship between race & widowhood, and how your network and the roles you play in society can help you battle influenza. I hope i interpreted those right ... In the middle of reading Leases chapter for accounting. Need to read article for upcoming essay and catch up on law readings.

Went grocery shopping, didn't watch road for cracks, wiped out. Left knee semi- swollen, hurt like a b*tch in the first 10 minutes, but slowly became an annoyance rather than pain. Also, my left knee is the the 'funky knee' beciase it seems like the bone extended a little to far, so when my knees are bent 90 degrees, you can see a little abnormities comparing left and right. Meh, its okay, I'm assymetrical anyways. Big ass bruise on the right side of leg. Hopefully i will learn from my mistakes and ride over those annoying mini speed-bumps rather thn go through the gap of the middle. Should i blame my recklessness on the liquor filled Grand Marnier chocolates i had? I swear it says artificial flavouring ... I much prefer those Malibu chocolates instead ...

Madagascar was pretty good, mostly because of the viewing experience, people were either in school or at work, so theatre was nice and empty, and popcorn was good, especially the fact that i didnt have lunch yet, and it wasnt all oily and nasty. Owww, the beginning where they show the Dreamworks logo was hilarious! Would draw a picture, dont feel like it today ... will push it to Tuesday or something. The beginning few minutes of the movie was soo sad ... For some reason, Madagascar reminded me of the Indiana Jones franchise. I think my favourite part are the penguins! Them and their evil schemes. Skipper (head penguin) could of done better at the end! I have lost a little respect and credibility of him, unless someone can convince me otherwise. Did you know that they have the Penguins of Madagascar cartoon in the works? If i can recall, they are going to show it in January 2009 on Nick (elodeon)? But, i think they changed the voice actors from the movie, so it might sound different. I dont have cable (or wanna announce i wanna watch a kids channel) but i would definately watch it va internet or wherever possible. Argh, that old lady that beat up Alex the Lion is back, she's a whole different evil. Try to guess the actor that portrays the new chaaracters, you'd be pleasantly surprised on how wrong you can be!
Still wanna watch RocknRolla, Rachel Geting Married and now Marley and Me out on Christmas (oww, Jennifer Aniston will be on 30 Rock this week!).

Didn't watch any new tv recently except 30 Rock because its the only show i like thats on one of 'my channels', but its usually reruns and such. Much catch up on Pushing Daisies and Private Practice. Dont really watch Grey's Anatomy anymore, but still wondering why the actor that plays Dr. Hanh isn't on the show anymore? Rumour is they wanna tone down the 'lez scenes', but if they dont do it, wouldnt some other channel do it for the ratings? Meh, never got the tv biz.

Hope y'all have a good week! Dont worry, the weekend is only a few short days away!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Last minute bloggin, Nov 8 '08

Yes, last minute bloggin again. Watched Madagascar Escape 2 Africa, will have some sort of review tomorrow. Watched the movie on a Friday afternoon, I like it, the theatre that is, soo empty, got best seat even though late. Wanted to print out stuff for courses, went to 5 places to find decent prices. Feel more relaxed for now ... 1 month before exams ... Reading sociology and watching MADtv.

Bought some liquor filled chocolate, had two ... don't feel so good ... sleepy ...

Will have something better to write about tomorrow

Thursday, November 6, 2008

midterms are over ... for now

Studied yesterday, no time to do mini blog either. Tuesday, attempted to sleep around 1ish, neighbours probably holding some illegal racetrack upstairs, their dog was runing around as if he accidentally drank coffee. Had light sleep, waking up every hour, woke up @ 5.30 to get to classes, studies and listened to lecture, trying not to sleep in class, went studying with Jen afterwards, got home, studied a little more, slept around 12ish, felt like walking zombie. Woke up at 8ish to study more, temporary power outage at home, presumed study time was over, got ready for school in the darkness of home, ready to get out of house, power went on...

Rode bike to school, had 1/2 hr more to study... studied ... test @ 12.10, social network analysis, felt like i bombed the test, studied for everything, but questions asked in test, info too vague in mind, yawned about 10 times during test ... had to get out of test, knew nothing to write about, brain gone through overdrive and now in idle/stalled state. Cant think, wanted to start readings for next week, cant, eyes dont wanna read anymore. Wanted to watch one of my favourite tv shows, 30 Rock, too tired, didnt laugh of funny stuff because my mind just interpret sounds as either from one ear and out the other, or that funny trombone sound that the characters from Charlie Brown would hear if adults were talking.

Brain fried, fried to a point of burnt-ness.


Need sugar to up self, too tried, now watch King of the Hill, brain still doesnt wanna comprehend entertainment. Must catch some kinda movie tomrrow so my brain can be a clean slate for whatever hell is coming soon. Room is scattered with notes, will do it tomorrow.. or something...

Probably walk in circles and don't notice it. The highlight of my day, i found money on the floor!!! Does that count as my 'lucky penny'? I hope so, now feel bad, have $x.xx, dunno what to do, cant return it, people would say yes either way.

People, you need to put your money in your wallet! Seriously, Unless you wanna help me pay for my neverlasting debt,put your money where eevr your wallet lies. I had that same problem, never used my wallet unless its in card form ... thats why i usually have change, its tsays in your pocket, and if it drops, at least you know.

Karma's gonna kick my ass for not returning it. Hopefully it was some rich bastard that was anti karma ... 1 could always imagine the possibilities...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Last minute bloggin, Nov 4 '08

Studying for social netwok analysis, have eary class tomorrow so don't have a lot of free time. I think after all the midterms of this week are over, must watch RocknRolla, Rachel Getting Married or Madagascar 2.

Weather very fishy these past few days, dunno how to dress for school anymore, dont wanna lug heavy cot around, but then again, don't wanna freeze.

US election today, wonder who would win, skimmed CNN second ago, electrial votes show that Obama's in the lead, but the total votes each candidate received are split 50/50 (McCain receiving approx. 2000 more votes than Obama). Whoa, this number just jumped dramatically as i type. I hope I'm reading the data correctly. I know this is important, but studying is top priority right now. It's a tight race!

Yay tomorrow's Wednesday!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dreary monday ....

Financial accounting lecture just finished, learned about leases. Soo tried from studying/attempting to studying! The atmosphere in the outdoors of UTM is soo depressing. So foggy/misty, reminds me of something you would see in Sherlocke Holmes/horror/lockness monster sort of deal. Pounding headache, and today was the only day i didn't have my trusty tylenol handy. I'll blame it on the weather rather than my studying.

Soo sleepy, daylights savings time is the cause of all this, probably made my brain go out of whack ... well, it was out of whack in the first place but not to this extent ... Reading through my study notes, i have this perception that i know this stuff, but when I study, my brain doesn't seem to register this imformation, like 'you need an upgrade, not more capacity' sort of stuff.

Maybe my studying has been lodged into someplace in my brain, in hiding .. Argh, I hope it emerges tomorrow. Maybe because i'm 50% sleep deprived and 50% hungry. I think I'm hungry, hadn't eaten in hours, argh stomach not registering, possibly due to obstruction of brain. Tried to shove bagel with nutella (ahhh nutella, so hazelnut-ty) but didn't work. Must need sleep... Argh, language not making sense, soon will result in cavepeople talk with grunting and what not.

After tomorrow's test, will re-review for social network analysis for Thursday, interesting info, but seems common sense ... i don't like that one bit! Feel like sleeping. Bought a brisk iced tea, hoping it would boost my energy, or at least keep my eyelids up, but no success. I though tea had caffeine ... i hope it doesnt kick in when i do wanna sleep ....

Will start heading upstairs to catch shuttle bus home. Hopefully by tomorrow, i would be energetic and such. Too much studying, must force self to do something entertaining this Friday. Ohh wanna watch a movie. Soo wanna catch RocknRolla or Rachel Getting Married (played in the TIFF08, see blurry pictures via facebook) and some other movie, but brain doesnt want to give that information up.

Nite all!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Argh textbooks!!!

Is there still a point of having textbooks in a technological world? I mean, i remember we had a CD for gr 12 Calculus that was the whole textbook in, if i can recall, pdf form. Argh, majority of courses require a bulky and/or multiple textbooks, and these textbooks go obsolete per say in like 3 years max. Soo uncertain if you should buy used of new, can you resell it, or will it collect dust like the others? Some of them come with a CD, but usually for additional studies. Argh, books cost sooo much, especially when they are published in the current year! Why kill trees? Why must you torture us students that are already knee's deep in debt? Yes, please make more bulky textbook full of photos and no substance, i need to add more paper cuts to my collection, and might as well book an appointment in advance for my future back problems... Yes the government does somewhat reimburse for the textbook fees, but the full $300 will be implemented next year.

Yes, people do photocopy the textbook which helps reduce costs, but that means using more papers (and wasting more time at a photocopier)!

Wouldn't converting from textbook to CD more eco friendly and cost saving? I'd go onto more detail, but afraid that everything i studied for today will do down the drain ...

Ohh, i was reviewing for my canadian economic history coming up this week, and there's a section about beavers. Well, beaver pelts and the fur trade between the natives and HBC/English, depletion and competition from the French and something about Fort Albany, York and Churchill and all the nitty gritty details in between!

So, my pea sized brain was able to link textbooks to trees, trees to beavers ... I know, sad.

Thankfully, some courses don't have those bulky textbooks and have electronic readings.
Must review for social network analysis test.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Studying on Saturday ... check!

That's all i did today, so this post is gonna be pretty short ... unless you want me to regurgitate everything i studies for, which would be a benefit for me, but pretty boring to the readers.

Studied from 11am to 10 pm, with occassional breaks in between.

After 10pm is my break, i'm done for the day, well, the day is almost done too! Wonder how that extra hour from daylight savings is gonna benefit me? More studying perhaps? Or more TV time?

I read online that King of the Hill (FOX) is getting cancelled ... aww I'm gonna miss that show, because it's a filler till the next show starts, and occasionally i find it funny, especially their Laos neighbours calling them hillbillies! Ohh, good news is that Kath and Kim (NBC) has been picked up for a full season! I think its funny, despite its mediocre reviews.

Kenny vs. Spenny was showing on GlobalTV, and i think it's filmed in Toronto. Man, those two are brutal to each other, but entertaining none of the less when they have the humiliation portion. Spenny literally washed Kenny's mouth with soap! I'm starting to love mindless tv, less thinking, more laughing!

MadTV is doing a skit of I Love Lucy 2008, where they're house is going to foreclose, and Lucy and her friend had to sell their bodies to pay, until the government stepped in ...

Saturday Night Live is on, must watch!

Oh yeah, and i mentioned a few posts ago that Saturday Night Live did a skit of the Two A-Holes. Heres a screenshot, Mad Men style pitching hola hoop with suspenders! Oh the fun you will have, no more struggling to keep the hoop up, less back pain, and reduce of awkwardness!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Good Ol’ Fashion Halloween! Simpson’s Style

Experimenting with different programs for blogging ...

Weather's getting very funky this week. It was below zero on Wednesday, and today it's in the mid teens. I dunno what kinda trick nature has up it's sleeve, but i for one am not amused.

Argh... in 3 weeks time, both of my pedals from my bike broke off. Darn cheap made in china crap. Installed two new ones, hope there weren't the same quality as my last ones... My mom used her bike for almost 4+ years and nothing bad happened except the occasional flat tire and worn brakes. My pedals didn't even last 5 months!

WARNING, this post is extremely full of pics, so it can take a while to load for those with below – broadband connections...

Just finished watching Martha Stewart on CBC. I think she was advertising a really cool innovation from M&M where you can personalize those little sugary goodness with your own photo and message. Looks pretty pricey, but overall a really cool gift!

Trying to kill a little off-studying time today and making a few errands.

And speaking of Halloween, nothing can be complete without watching The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror Series!!!

Here are a few (actually a lot) of my favourite clips in screenshot* format:

Treehouse of Horror I (Season 2.03)

The Raven


By Edgar Allen Poe: Homer and Bart (as the Raven)

Treehouse of Horror III (Season 4.05)

King Homer


King Homer 'attempting' to climb the Empire State Building

Treehouse of Horror V (Season 6.06)

The Shining


"No TV and no beer make homer something something...."


"Heeeeeerrrreeee'ssss Johnny!"


" I'm Mike Wallace, I'm Morley Safer, and I'm Ed Bradley. All this and Andy Rooney tonight on 60 Minutes!"

Time and Punishment


Homer's sneeze caused the extinction of dinosaurs...

Treehouse of Horror VI (Season 7.06)

Attck of the 50 ft. Eyesores


Where's Mr. Peanut?

Homer 3


Homer in the real world. This is what catches his attention ... FYI it's Erotic Cakes.

Treehouse of Horror VIII (Season 10.04)

Terror of Tiny Toon


Lisa and Bart being chased by Itchy and Scratchy in TV land. Look, Live with Regis and Kathie Lee!

Treehouse of Horror X (Season 11.04)

Desperately Xeeking Xena


Theme Song:

Stretch dude and clobber girl
He's a human rubber band, she's the hulk in pearls
He's a limber lad, she's a powerful lass
He'll ring your neck, and she'll kick your ass
They' re stretch dude and clobber girl
Stretch dude and clobber girl
Stretch dude and clobber girl


Xena flies Stretch Dude and Clobber Girl home after saving them from Comic Book Guy ...

Lisa: Wait a minute, Xena can't fly ...

Xena: I told you. I'm not Xena, I'm Lucy Lawless!

Treehouse of Horror XI (Season 12.01)

Ghost Dad


Homer dies from choking on a broccoli. His ghost dies from choking on the same broccoli.

He ties to get into heaven by doing a good deed, but instead goes down under...

Scary Tales Can Come True


Homer feeds the family

The Night of the Dolphins


Lisa wants to help the harmless dolphin ... not knowing it's power!


Free Willy! Except the dolphin's tail slaps Lisa in the face ...

What Happens to the Dolphin ...





Killing Rampage!


And hostile land takeover ...


Treehouse of Horror XV (Season 16.01)

In the belly of the Boss


Maggie (In a capsule) gets swallowed by Mr Burns via a super shrinking ray

Treehouse of Horror XVII (Season 18.04)

Married to the Blob


Homer becomes the Blob after ingesting a green organism from space.

Haha, he ate Dr. Phil!!!

The Day the Earth Looked Stupid

The radio host, renacting The War of the Worlds, tries to convince the sound effects editor to make various outrageous sounds.

His response?


Treehouse of Horror XVIII (Season 19.05)

In the opening sequence, Marge microwaves House


Mr. And Mrs. Simpson



Too bad I can't find screencaps from Mr. And Mrs. Smith ...

Can't wait for The Simpson's Treehouse of Horrors XVIII episode, airing this Sunday.

AhhHH post going crazy and funky... will stop, head pounding!!!

Anyways, I didn't go through with my plans regarding the neighbours upstairs. Meh, there is always next year and other schemes to fulfill … plus, didn't want Karma to kick my butt for this.

Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween! I wouldn't be treat o' treating for many reason, but I can guarantee I will get a sugar rush!

* All screenshots of The Simpsons are property of FOX.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

School week is finally over!!!

Now its study time!!! Must study for canadian economic history and social network analysis ... Argh, sore throat ... its a sign of cold/flu season .... NNOOO, not during midterm season!!!! Watching King of the Hill, where Minh befriends the gun club for her own advantage.

I'm not a very 'political' person, but i heart political satire. For example, Sarah Palin being referenced as 'Caribou Barbie', and recently, 'Bible Spice'. Hilarious. Not sure who coined 'Caribou Barbie' but I think Alec Baldwin dubbed her 'Bible Spice'. Here's the clip:

Why Bible Spice? Just google it and make your own conclusions.

Tomorrow's Halloween! Cadbury Factory anyone? Wondering if i should follow up on my plans for that jack-o-lantern thing ... pumpkin soo heavy, fire hazard, potential cuts and scraps ... just to annoy the upstairs ... is it worth it?

Tune in tommorow for the results!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's finally Wednesday!

At the library, must kill 4 hrs before next lecture starts. The library started to have these designated areas to do stuff ie group study, cell phone talk, total silence. Eww, someone left their medication/perscription on top of the desk, it would be funny if light was shining on it, in an angelic fashion, signalling it's greatness ... Ahhhh, drugs too close, i need parental control!!! Yes, my imagination has gotten outta control. Just in case, i blotted out the name of the person that the pills belong to... for legal reasons (ie not wanting to get sued). I like being here @ UTM rather than St. George ... it's kinda the middle of nowhere here, no distractions, no 'shiny objects'. Every course i took at St. George, after lecture, i'd be like 'oww, where can i go now to entertain myself/forget about what i learned?' But it was never a problem because all the classes i took downtown was my last class of the week! The major disadvantage.. travel ... Got up @ 5:30 (i sleep late too .. due to those darm neighbours upstairs) and leave the house around 6 ish, ride my bike to catch shuttle bus that departs at 7ish to get to an 8 ish class. Soo tired when i get on bus, but the time before and after the bus, i feel like i was on caffeine ... Which isn't true ... Oww, i got a Grande Hazelnut Hot Chocolate from Starbucks ... so use to crappy and very sugar based hot chocolate from other places ie Tim Hortons and Coffee Time, that i never knew that hot chocolate can actually taste good! In the past, i'd use to water down the tim hortons hot chocolate so i wouldnt get that 'im drink pure sugar powder' after taste. But I do like those smoothies from Tim Hortons ... but cant really taste the flavour ...

Mood finally elevating to a point of happiness due to the fact that its Wednesday! I like Wednesday because a. i have Business Law and Eco class that day and i enjoy them both and b. it means that tomorrow is Thursday, which means social network analysis lecture and after that ... free time! Well, not free time, study.. but at least not at school :) Did a good job on my Business Law midterm, but cant say the same about my finger . It got a massive papercut from skimming my marked midterm ... its not one of those painful, throbbing ones (argh i hate those ones ... and from opinion, everyone else hates them too), but it's a bleeder.... its a bleeder alright! And it left a big gash on it too. Its on the middle finger too! At least its not on my writing hand .... I think its time for show and tell! Don't worry, will not show/draw details.

I was quite surprised that I didn't see snow on the ground this morning, it kinda flurried, but not actual snow on ground. But i see cars driving with snow all over, wonder where they came from. Maybe it didnt snow where i lived, on the west end of Toronto Central/Centre/Downtown ... I cant distinguish them ... I tried looking up via google, but i came across this website and it talked about travel by bike and it quotes,

"Be advised that Toronto is considered a very dangerous city to bike in by many people, and accidents are frequent. "

Thats great to know, considering there are designated bike lanes, tons of people biking to and fro, and the fact that they want people to find better alternatives than driving ...

Argh, sometimes motorists make me mad, speaking as both a pedestrian and a cyclist.
I will NOT rant about them YET, they HAVE pushed me to the limit on some occassions, but, until they exceed that limit, i will keep it bottled up until some inappropriate time when it all spills out :) At least that would be entertaining for the observers.

Got about 3hrs remaining to kill time ... wanna get a pumpkin to carve jack-o-lantern ... then place jack-o-lantern in front of upstair neighbours doorstep so children can bother them ... just like how they bother me ....

By the time i finish this (with email distractions) i have almost killed 2 hrs! 2 more to go! Starting to study canadian economic history!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yay, tomorrow's Wednesday!

And when i mean tomorrow's Wednesday, it means that i have 1 more day of school (Thursday) and long weekend once again! But this time its full of studying, which is good, i need the time! Oww, and that extra hours from Daylight Savings is an added bonus! I wish i had more time ... to do stuff that i wanna do .: what i'm saying is that it's all times fault (or my fault for being bad at time management).

Soo windy today! If i recall, via Environment Canada website, today reached a wind gust at 55+km/h, so don't wanna see the aftermath tomorrow morning! Hope no one was harmed in this crazy wind. Winter's a coming ... maybe it's global warmings' way of reverse psychology? Either way, i like the weather, never liked the warm/moistness ... Not a fan of the gusty wind though. And FYI, if you see me swirving on my bike, no i am not drunk, i'm just trying to combat the wind, and obviously nature is winning ...

All the wind has grouped together all the leaves (benefit) and decided to pile them all at my doorstep (crap, more work). But it didn't just bring leaves ....

Why in the heck does a cheap cocktail parasol/umbrella get mixed in with the leaves? Is it that somewhere in the East end of Toronto, someone was having a party or attending happy hour (supposively its happy hour somewhere in the world) and the gust of wind blew the mini umbrella to its new home in front of my doorstop? Seriously, i live in a very (traditional) asian street, people here don't make concoctions, i think they drink it straight up or on the rocks (well, maybe not on the rocks)... I don't think they need mini umbrellas. I hope it didn't poke anyone in the eye, some of these babies are sharp! Reminds me of the restaurant days, i try to dress up the drink in a nice presentation and the boss comes in and ruins it in an asian way (no offense). And when no management was around or any tables, i'd wander to the back to entertain the workers/friends for the sake of entertaining myself!

Trying to watch Law and Order: SVU. Watched Dancing with the stars result show, the oldest yet must entertaining contestant was voted out (but she tried to fight to be back).

I apologize if i offended any asians in my mini essay, if it makes you feel any better, i'm asian too!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Waiting for the shuttle bus ...

Dark and breezy. Financial accounting lecture just ended. Got my mid term back, did horribly ... no more further comments, must look ahead for improvements, must get better results. Must reach for top ... or somewhere close to top isn't a bad option either!

More midterms coming up, not stressed yet, but drowning on papers/notes, all profs make everything seem to be on the test, but never mentioned it ... should i study for it?

Looking forward to winter break! Almost 1 month-ish away! Argh ... exams! Meh, only 2, shouldn't be that bad, but kinda back-to-back...

Have 2 midterms next week, canadian economic history and social network analysis ...
When will this madness ever end ... apparently not ...

Next week, students rally at queens park, i think, to fight tuition fees ... U of T board wants all university students to pay deregulated fees ... Too late for me, already stuck in this fiasco ... Probably wouldn't effect me that much ... 1 can hope.

Rode bike to school, locked bike, chunky squirrel started to circle me and my bike, awaiting food. Must of saw my profile photo on Facebook, or his relatives from the west coast told them about me (i wonder how that would work?) Rushing like maniac to catch the bus ... didn't have time to feed, plus might look crazy ... is that karma driven? Will i ask someone for food and be denied/rejected?

Gosh. I hope not ... That would be a weird situation that i have gotten myself into ...
Must wait beside shuttle bus now to ensure a seat. Feel pretty bad for the people who couldn't get a seat ... they get left behind ...

Missing Dancing with the stars, like always, I wonder if that old lady that won the oscar got booted out yet....

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Last minute bloggin' ...

Just finished watching Brothers & Sisters, wondering where the show takes place .... too lazy to wiki or google it, it will remain a mystery until the next episode when i remember this question. Watching the news is always a bummer, so many things that happen that you'd wish hasn't, wondered if there was ever a day that didn't bring bad news... that would be a very short broadcast or a lot of fillers ...
The weather in the past few days are soo depressing, especially the wind (although refreshing, not a really good advantage to a cyclists when the wind' s working against you) and the rain. I finally installed a fender on my chinese manufactured bike, no more soakings, now my notes are moisture free! Wish i can get a new bike ... very bulky mountain, not enough speed ... I was reluctant of speed when i started to bike, now i crave it!!!
Spent most of the day writting notes for accounting, all i can think of are intangible assets and impairment, not separately, but mixed together in a way which would not make sense. Hopefully (maybe) it would all make sense tomorrow.
Argh, I hate mondays, just like Garfield and Sourpuss from the comic strip Mutts. My mondays at school always sucked since 1st year. Tomorrow I will be at school from 2-8, which means leaving the house @ 12.30 and getting home at 9.45.

Owww, got re-addicted to those candy sticks!!! Wanted a sugar fix, went to dufferin mall. Walmart doesnt have those candy sticks anymore (or im pretty blind) but No Frills had it, which i found surprising! I use to love these sugary sticks while in elementary school, and now that addiction has surfaced yet again! As you can see, the sugar high is giving me the energy to type this, plus i want to write something everyday... Just in case you think i'm pleading insanity, i a talking about those chalk-like candy sticks that looks like a kid's version of a cig (id spell the whole word, but i can't). Its usually in a square package with Popeye's funky face on the front.

Police Officer Brian is not amuzed.
These candy sticks were pimped out with Spiderman.
Argh, they look like cigs!
Was very bored, heard obnoxious noise outside, it was a little baby squirrel, screeching for it's mother at the top of a power-line pole.

Saw alley cat starting at something, had to take a shot, unlike my old neighbourhood, this one had less alley cats.

So full of attention, like something shiny caught it's eye, or food, either way.
Don't worry, its not spying on the lil' squirrel!
Ahh, laptop burning thigh...
Sugar high still in effect, will watch reruns of Frasier!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

How I spent my Saturday ....

Semi studying, reading class work, eating/searching for food, watching television and plotting schemes against my neighbours ... err... scratch that last bit. After hours of losing my mind and vision, i usually flood it with television ... ahhh, sweet television. Our home isnt equipped with any tv enhancments, so i'm stuck with basic antenna signals... which sucks because all the shows i want to watch aren't showing on tv anymore, and had to resort to the WWW. I think the only shows i look forward to watching via tv is dancing with the stars (just for the judge's comments), law and order special victims unit, brothers & sisters, saturday night live/madtv (if there's good guests), and sunday night cartoons (simpsons, american dad, family guy and king of the hill). All the other shows i enjoy (30 rock, my name is earl, private practice, pushing daisies etc) are not in 'my channels' range, which suck.

What am i watching right now at this moment? 'Two A-Holes' skit, Mad Men style on Saturday Night Live ft. Jon Hamm. lol, that skit is soo hilarious and weird, must find screenshot for that later on...

Anyways, the highlights of my favourite/available tv shows:
Saturday Night Live (NBC) - Weekend Update Thursday Episode 3:
McCain (Hammond), Palin (Fey) and Bush (Ferrell) at a press conference/photoshoot.

30 Rock (NBC) - Pre-air Season 3-01
Jack (Baldwin) and Liz (Fey) renact a scene from a soap opera.
The Simpsons (FOX) - Season 20-3
In the world of the Simpsons, where the rich live in McMansions and anything Mc ...

McDreamy would live beside a McDonalds....

And McSteamy would live next door to McDreamy ...
Argh ... my television viewing is interrupted by my loud, upstair neighbours ... actually, anything i do gets interrupted by my upstair neighbours .. there is never silence at home ....
Must scheme .... argh, everyday it seems like their either VERY into Feng Shui 風水, constantly moving their funiture around, rehersing for a dance routine/broadway performace (STOMP comes into mind), or moving things around so that their very vocal dog can use the house as a racetrack, pretty much 24/7 ... either way... something must be done...
Argh, always had some evil plan in the back of my head to get them for their noise....
Like ringing their doorbell and dashing, or carving a jack-o-lantern and putting it in front of their door so little children can bother/egg their door...
But i'm not the one who creates trouble, caught in the crossfire yes, but not the source...
And taking business law, I was wondering if i can sue them for nuisance? I mean, what they are doing is disrupting my enjoyment of life, whether its studying for a test, or sleeping! Hmm, maybe should look into this further... Owwww, or leaving their dog at home, constantly barking, thats somewhat bad treatment to animals ... thats something that the authorities might need to know about!
Forgive my evil-ness, i think i was highly influences by a higher authority.... And if you're out there reading this, 'Captain, the plan is going right on schedule!'
Owww, the evilness from upstairs has stepped out to walk that pet of theirs. Must try to enjoy the peacefulness before they return once again.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hello visitors, welcome to my blog!

If you gotten here by mistake, don't panic, just press 'backspace' or the 'back' button ... or browse around, whatever 'tickles your fancy'.

Til this day, i still wonder what the term, 'tickles you fancy' means, and i have yet tried to 'google' it. And FYI, i was introduced to this term by a teacher in gr. 12 law class ... i thought that was the best class during that year because a. it was an interesting course, b. the teacher taught it well and c. it was either before or after my spare .: shorter afternoon!

Anyways, back to the intro. I started this blog because for many reasons:
a. i have 'caught' the 'blogging bug', and yes, it is highly contaigous!
b. i have been inspired by many of my friends and past/future 'bosses'
c. its much easier to publish ideas/anything goin' on in my head rather than sending essay-length emails to my friends (you know who you are, and again, like always, i apologize for adding onto you workloads)
d. to make it a hobby/interest ... i need one of those
Argh... didn't mean to make this look like a multiple choice question....

I like to thank/acknowledge Joan @ for convincing/pushing (a little push is a good thing) me into doing this! Her talents are far beyond extraordinary!

So, i think this blog i dubbed 'beaversatile', and as you can see, has the word 'beaver' and 'versatile' merged together. Why did i choose these words i hear you all screaming? Well, beaver, for my favourite thing to draw (the animal, not the other thing), and 'versatile' which i googled ( ) means ' having great diversity or variety'. Im hoping to make this blog full of the tree loving rodent (in the form of pictures and such) and be able to blog about anything else in the world around us that i find sooo interesting and sometimes disturbing, hence the 'diversity/variety'.

And if im lucky and smart enough, use this name, incorporate it, and be some kind of rich career woman ... 1 can always dream!

Hopefully, during the upcoming days, i will finally personalize this blog with stuff, but i haven't though of any yet. So im just gonna say random stuff that comes outta my pea-sized brain ...

Today is October 24. Thinking if it as 10-24, i was wondering what this number meant. First, i thought that it was some unlucky asian number ... thats partially correct, but not what i was thinking of. Then i though this number reminded me of some movie that John Cusack did about some hotel room, but, after further research, it was actually 1408. and then it finally got to me.. it must be some kind of police ten-code from all the police sitcoms i watch... So doing further research, i found out that 10-24 meant emergency backup, and i suddenly got stuck, reading all the ten-codes, which are pretty interesting. i think the only popular or well known ten-code would be 10-4 (Message received).

Went grocery shopping to Chinatown with mom. It was business as usual, mountains of produce waiting to be purchased with the occassional one in an attempt to escape, garbage everywhere, supermarket employees screaming bargains as if they were screaming 'hurricane!' Those little, blue, sinfully delicious crabs were placed outside, half dead were decently priced. The people, intrigued, but again not willing to buy. Suddenly, a supermarket employee opens a basket full of female crabs, pours it in with the now dead crabs and changes the price ... The passerbys forget where they were going and went straight to the crabs ... anxiously grabbing bateria proned tongs and a paper bag that reminded me of those restaurant days. All you heard were tongs, snapping, and the occasional bashing. Crabs were thrown everywhere, but luckily, no one was injured, but i cant vouch for the crabs ... it seemed like a riot ... but again, just a normal day in Chinatown. In my head, i wanted to take out my camera and make some documentary on the shopping rituals of the natives in Chinatown ... but was afraid of being pinched by tongs or crabs ... So I observed .. all that went through my head was that scene from Finding Nemo, where a crab made a remark, making Dori lift the crab out from the ocean water, to an awaiting flock of seagulls, screaming 'MINE MINE MINE!'

Well, i think i should wrap this up... its starting to look like my infamous email essays.
Pls check back often, hopefully my comments/rants/ideas/photos/pictures/etc will amuse you or make you think ... which is hard for some of us.

And a shoutout to all my friends, family, acquiantances, 'bosses', coworkers, and everyone that i have interacted with in some point of my life. Id name you guys, but afraid i might offend if i forget people.

FYI, if you see spelling mistakes and fragments, it won't be the last.

Signing out